Are you sick and tired of Substack’s lack of proper curation when it comes to the Fiction section of their Top In? Well, the time for complaining is over! And my momma always told me, “if you wait around for someone else to fix your problem you’ll be waiting around forever!”
Therefore, even though I have enough on my plate, I could no longer sit by and let this nonsense continue. I’m not here to place blame on an algorithm, or any one person you may feel is “gaming the system.” The time for petty arguments that will get us all nowhere is over. It’s time for action!
So, here is my proposal because I’ll be damned if I’m going to hold this thing up by myself! If you want a Top In Fiction that is 1,000% fiction, well, ladies and gentlemen, YOU GOT IT!
Every Monday, an email will go out that will feature the TOP 10 fiction from the week before. For example:
July 6 - July 12 | Have you read any great fiction that was shared this week? Have you written any great fiction that you shared this week? (Yes, I realize the week hasn’t finished, but stick with me) If you have, then:
Friday, July 12th a THREAD email will go out asking for what you’ve read/written that is fiction. I’ll then randomly select 10 of them to share on Monday, July 15th.
Make sense? You with me so far? Good! Let’s continue.
Every month there will be a “Best of the Best” email as a way to recall the last weeks of the month by rising to the top 5 of those fiction stories that are worth reading (perhaps again).
I firmly believe that WE are the best judge of Top In Fiction, so let’s stop playing games with Substack about fixing this or that. We don’t need them when we have each other. And I don’t know about you, but there is no one here I trust more with recommending something great in fiction to read, than all of you!
So, do me a huge favor, would ya, share this post on Notes. Maybe, if you feel so inclined, share it to your own newsletters (if you have one), and tell everyone you know to SUBSCRIBE!
There is a NEW Top In Fiction in TOWN and here, we AIM to please!